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Courses: I/TradingINV.com offers a 3 days REFUND policy, any client can ask for refund within 3 days period time ,3 days will be calculated from the date of enrolment. Otherwise no refund will be provided. Only 1(one) time refund will be initiate per customer, then there will be no 2nd time refund for any services/products. No refund will be provided for outside India customers. 

Appointment/Meetings/Live sessions : I/TradingINV.com offers a 3 days REFUND policy, any client can ask for refund before 3 days period time, 3 days will be calculated from the date of appointment/live session scheduled. Otherwise no refund will be provided. Only 1(one) time refund will be initiate per customer, then there will be no 2nd time refund for any services/products. No refund will be provided for outside India customers. 

Webinar : I/TradingINV.com offers a 3 days REFUND policy, any client can ask for refund before 3 days period time, 3 days will be calculated from the date of webinar scheduled. Otherwise no refund will be provided. Only 1(one) time refund will be initiate per customer, then there will be no 2nd time refund for any services/products. No refund will be provided for outside India customers. 

Trade Examples: I/TradingINV.com offers a 3 days REFUND policy, any client can ask for refund within 3 days period time ,3 days will be calculated from the date of course enrolment. Otherwise no refund will be provided. Only 1(one) time refund will be initiate per customer, then there will be no 2nd time refund for any services/products. No refund will be provided for outside India customers. 

NOTE: Only 1(one) time refund will be initiate per customer, then there will be no 2nd time refund for any services/products. To proceed with the refund it may take around 1-15 working days. No refund will be provided for outside India customers. 

If you need refund then please bring this to our knowledge in written form through our support portal here https://tradinginv.com/support .

Refund requests will be accepted without any reason. Actually no question will be asked. Client will get the 100% refund amount back into the same account/same way through which client have made the payment to me/TradingINV.com

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When to avoid using a flow screener?

Flow Screener Tutoroals_____

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